Public Comments:Clerk Reinhart made an announcement regarding the upcoming Consolidated Elections for the Village of Sidney. Terms for three Village Trustees and the Village President will expire in May 2025, all four positions are four-year terms. Petition packets will be available at the Village Hall starting August 20 and need to be turned into the Village Hall no later than November 18, 2024. The signature requirement is 17 and no more than 67.
Residents Brett and Angie Franzen were present to discuss the opening of their store in downtown Sidney this fall, The Goose and The Gander, a primitive farmhouse antique and reproduction store that will offer unique gifts, home decor and even a space for local artisans. They were also present to discuss concerns they have with broken windows downtown, residents living downtown without a business and if that is allowed per Village Ordinance. Adding the property owner next to them was unaware there is a shared septic between the two. President Arrasmith responded stating there is nothing in our ordinances that prevents a resident from living downtown in one of the commercial buildings and anything shared (septic, roofing, etc.) needs to be worked out between property owners.
Trustee Laurent inquired if the broken glass could be considered a safety issue. Attorney Miller stated it can, but this is more of a visual issue which is not the same. Attorney Marc Miller added that there could be an addition created to the current nuisance ordinance that could address some issues. Marc offered to put together some examples for the Village to look at later in the year.
Resident Bill McLane was present to inquire about a van parked near the fire hydrant in front of the post office, occasionally blocking its access and if there is anything the Village can do. President Arrasmith said he has seen the van, it moves and has tags, there is nothing the Village can do.
Approve Minutes:President Arrasmith requested a motion to approve the minutes for the regular session Village of Sidney Board of Trustees meeting on July 1, 2024. Trustee Schluter made a
motion to approve the monthly meeting minutes from the July 1, 2024, meeting. Trustee Bickers seconded the motion, and the motion was carried with all ayes on a roll call vote.
President Arrasmith's Comments:Consideration of extraterritorial jurisdiction for parcel number 24-28-11-400-003- Property owners Ben and Hanna Brown were present to discuss where they would like to build their future residence on parcel number 24-28-11-400-003 located within the Village's extraterritorial jurisdiction. Mr. and Mrs. Brown presented plans prepared by Gallivan's Drafting and Design outlining their plans. Trustee Laurent made a motion to waive the Village's extraterritorial jurisdiction for parcel number 24-28-11-400-003 allowing them to continue their plans. Trustee Bickers seconded the motion, and the motion carried with all ayes on a roll call vote. Clerk Reinhart will prepare a letter they may submit to the county waiving the Villages extraterritorial jurisdiction.
Veteran's Memorial discussion - cost, placement, possible fund-raising opportunities - President Arrasmith suggested opening an account with Longview for funds donated for the Veteran's Memorial. Bill McLane was present with several questions regarding the memorial, such as a sign on the future property reading what will be there, "do we have someone that can do grant writing?" and "can we add anything to the Village website alerting the community to the future project?". He would also like to see the project completed for a dedication ceremony on the country's 250th anniversary, July 4, 2026.
President Arrasmith said we could investigate a "Future Home of..." sign and we do not have anyone that does grant writing, but it is something we can investigate as well. Trustee Schluter responded regarding the addition of something to the website, stating there was not room on the website for any additions. Trustee Bickers inquired if the Legion would be contributing any amount. No response was given. Ann Rhoton with the Southern Champaign County Today paper inquired if the Township would still be contributing, per previous discussion they were going to be involved. President Arrasmith stated the Township is still going to donate, but money will still need to be raised as the cost previously discussed was approximately $90,000 and has surety gone up. Trustee Bickers added conversation between the Village and the Township needs to happen to discuss what they are contributing. President Arrasmith closed the conversation asking again if the Board would like to open an account for funds raised for the memorial and Trustee Hooker was asked if there was a fee with Longview for opening an account. Trustee Hooker stated there is a minimum $100.00 fee to open new accounts. Trustee Laurent made a motion to open an account at Longview Bank with the minimum amount needed of $100.00, for any donations received for the Veteran's Memorial. Trustee Harris seconded and the motion was carried with all ayes on a roll call vote.
Discuss/approve the closing of Witt Park for the ballpark construction - Closing the park, allowing no access would be in the best interest of the Village and community as there will be heavy equipment and trenches dug that could create a safety hazard. Trustee Bickers made a motion to close Witt Park until further notice due to construction and safety hazards to the public. Trustee Harris seconded the motion, and the motion was carried with all ayes on a roll call vote.
Discuss/approve Special Use of Witt Park- Resident Mike Porter has asked for special use of Witt Park on August 11, 2024, to spread the ashes of a friend, classmate, and former resident of Sidney in one of his favorite places. Trustee Harris made a motion to allow special use of Witt Park on August 11, 2024, to spread the ashes of the former Sidney resident. Trustee Laurent seconded the motion, and the motion was carried with all ayes on a roll call vote. Clerk Reinhart will prepare a letter for Mr. Porter stating he has been granted special use of Witt Park and has permission to distribute ashes in Witt Park on August 11, 2024.
President Arrasmith closed his comments with a thank you to all that helped with Fun Daze.
Attorney's Comments:Nothing to report.
Jeff Wyant's Comments:Supervisor of Operations Jeff Wyant reports that the Bad Boy mowers have constantly been in the shop this summer, their warranty is out, and the Village is racking up repair bills. He added one of the mowers, that was supposed to already be returned, remains in the shop.
Jeff has spoken with Peter Farm of AHW LLC about two John Deere X Track mowers to replace both the current Bad Boy mowers. Trustee Bickers inquired if we knew what the Bad Boy mowers would appraise for. Jeff stated Mr. Farm has not been able to give a decent quote as the mowers have not been seen by him yet but given their age and lack of hours, he believes the new John Deere mowers will not cost the Village more than $7-8,000.
Trustee Gadeken made a motion to spend up to $10,000 on two John Deere X Track mowers from AHW LLC with the trade in of the Bad Boy mowers. Trustee Laurent seconded the motion, and the motion was carried with all ayes on a roll call vote. After the motion, Jeff added the last John Deere mowers the Village had lasted over 6000 hours. Trustee Harris suggested calling Double Y Sales & Service in Cissna Park to inquire about any deals they may have. Trustee Schluter added just three years ago $20,000 was spent on the new mowers. Conversation ended regarding the matter.
Jeff went on to state the sidewalk in front of the Erb property has been removed as well as the stump, there is a hole, but it has been barricaded, he plans to lay forms and pour concrete later this month.
He concluded by stating he has put a phone call into llliana Construction about the start. date for the oil and chipping of the roads so he and Eric can hang door tags. llliana does not think they will be able to start until September as they are completing another job. Jeff will continue to follow up on the start date.
Finance:Trustee Hooker read the finance reports with one addition from Dan Moisson for $1,000 for annual website maintenance. Trustee Hooker made a motion to pay the bills plus the addition of the invoice from Dan Moisson for $1,000. Trustee Gadeken seconded the motion, and the motion carried with all ayes on a roll call vote.
Trustee Hooker concluded with a thank you to all of those that helped with Fun Daze this year.
President Arrasmith added the down payment for the ballpark construction project was paid for completely with ARPA money and the remaining amount will be available for the oil and chip project.
Streets and Alleys:Nothing to report.
Water and Drainage:Trustee Bickers inquired per conversation last month if there had been any tile found in Dunlap Woods that belongs to the Village. President Arrasmith stated the Village is waiting on the title search from the County, as of now there has been nothing found in Dunlap Woods that belongs to the Village. Trustee Harris asked if the Village intended on creating an easement if there is tile found, pointing out residents would lose a portion of their backyards. Attorney Marc Miller responded there are already people everywhere, not just here in the Village that have gardens and fences on easements, adding most companies work around these things unless there is an issue requiring them to tear it out to address the issue. The discussion will continue once more information is provided by the County.
Public Property:Permits- Trustee Bickers read the permits. #792 at 18 James Court for a fence.
Discuss/approve tree removal and replacement- Trustee Bickers inquired how many trees and of what variety, the Village would be interested in, the Village previously planted 25 of several varieties. Trustee Harris asked the cost the last time the Village planted trees, Trustee Bickers was unsure, President Arrasmith advised getting an estimate for the cost of 25 trees. Previously, residents were asked if they would like a tree planted on their property, the Village watered, but all other care was the resident's responsibility, Trustee Bickers would like to see this offered again to residents. Trustee Bickers would like to wait until spring to plant and further discussion can arise at that time regarding species and the number of trees purchased.
Supervisor of Operations, Jeff Wyant and resident Mike Porter added a large oak tree on Mr. Porter's property has died and needs removed. Jeff is going to get an estimate from Baxter's Utility Service for its removal, discussion will continue next month regarding the matter.
Parks and Recreation:Nothing to report.
Community Development:Trustee Schluter inquired with attorney Marc Miller if signs can be added to both the East and West entrances to town regarding solicitor registration. Trustee Schluter approached another solicitor without a permit and advised him he needed to contact the Village Hall for a permit, or he needed to stop what he was doing, the gentleman called his supervisor, and he was picked up by his supervisor right away. Jeff Wyant will order signs for both the East and West entrances to town regarding soliciting.
New and Old Business:Nothing to report.
Adjourn:Trustee Bickers made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Trustee Harris seconded the motion, the motion carried with all ayes on a roll call vote and the meeting was adjourned at 8:03pm.